Want to know more about membership?
Members of the Strategic Education Partnership will be in a position to make a difference to the achievement and life chances of all children in Bexley.
The Strategic Board is chaired by the chief executive of LB Bexley and comprises a representative from the Regional Schools Commissioner’s Office, the Cabinet Member for Education, members of the local education community, members of the local authority and school governors.
The membership of the partnership aims to reflect the range of academies and maintained schools in the borough.
In order to retain balance, no more than one senior leader per school, academy trust or federation can be appointed onto the Strategic Board; however, they can join one of the sub-groups.
Strategic Board members will steer the work of the partnership. They will evaluate, advise and review the improvements made in relation to the priorities being addressed through the sub-groups.
Sub-group members will use their skills and expertise to find solutions to complex challenges around their core priorities, informed by local and national best practice.
Membership process
A Membership Process has been agreed by the Strategic Board. Initially, members of the strategic board and the sub-groups went through a process of self-nomination and are expecting to serve for an initial period of two years.
Going forward, there will be another education community-wide request for expressions of interest at the end of the two-year period. Existing members will be eligible to self-nominate again.
At the end of two years, or when a vacancy occurs, the Strategic Education Partnership Manager will advertise the role to be filled to all head teachers. Those interested in taking on the role can go through a self-nomination process and, if there are too many applicants, an interview with a co-chair and a local authority officer will be arranged.
To express an interest in joining the Strategic Education Partnership at any other time please contact:
Louise Chalkley, Strategic Education Partnership Manager
Membership Agreement
It is important that the Partnership is regarded as a way of supporting and driving improvement for all children and young people in Bexley and this can only be done if it runs effectively.
Therefore, we require all members to confirm their commitment to the following:
- Members of the sub-groups and Board must attend at least 80% of their meetings.
Meeting dates for the whole of the coming academic year will be shared the end of the previous academic year. If there are clashes with your commitments, please contact the Strategic Education Partnership Manager as soon as possible to discuss whether it is appropriate for a representative to attend in your place.
- All Members are expected to contribute to meetings, sharing their experiences and ideas in order that the key priorities are addressed and actioned to support the lives of children and young people in Bexley.
- Members should commit to a minimum of two years on the Strategic Education Partnership.
This will help with consistency in the sub-groups across the academic years. Should you need to step down earlier, this will need to be discussed with the Strategic Education Partnership Manager to ensure that your place will continue to be represented.