Data return supports vulnerable pupils
The inclusion weekly data return around pupils receiving FTEs or PEXs, PMoE, CME, EHE or managed moves is expected to be rolled out to all schools in June, after four schools have piloted it during the first half of the summer term, members of the Inclusion sub-group learnt at their meeting of 23rd April 2021. As part of that developing inclusion model to support Bexley’s ‘no need to exclude’ ambition, the new Managed Move Protocol has been in place since Easter. The aim of this is to provide a positive and supportive move for vulnerable pupils; it is a 12-week programme, so members will be able to assess success rates from July 2021.
Members then focused on electively home educated children, whose numbers have risen sharply during the pandemic. There were just five EHE children in 2000/01, compared to more than 260 in 2020/21. They will look at more detailed breakdowns at their next meeting to analyse trends and see if there is a correlation between EHE declaration and previous fixed term exclusions.
The sub-group’s task and finish group around supporting Gypsy Roma Traveller children and families have produced draft guidance for schools, based on research. It highlights six core principles to improve the outcomes of GRT children in schools. This should be with schools in the autumn term.
Members also gave their input into the council’s ‘No place for racism’ statement, which will come from Bexley councillors and will be informed by work carried out in some Bexley schools and by other London boroughs.