Violence Reduction bid success shared
Inclusion sub-group members discussed progress on their key deliverable for year 2 of improving systems to support inclusive provision and minimise exclusions, at their meeting on 5th November 2019. They considered the impact of rising in-year admissions, the changing profile of need among the borough’s children, the pressure from Ofsted around curriculum and off-rolling, and early indicators such as non-attendance at pre-school.
At the meeting members also learnt that the Local Authority had secured £100,000 from the Violence Reduction Unit to support mid-risk pupils in a model based on that used in Glasgow, where there has been a significant reduction in the crime rate. Thirty Year 9 pupils from three Bexley secondary schools, their families and school staff will be supported with input from the Targeted Youth Service and educational psychologists.
A task and finish group had also been set up to understand how to support children of Gypsy Roma, Traveller heritage in schools.