CPD framework and wellbeing needs addressed
At their meeting on 29th September 2021, the Workforce Development, Succession Planning and Governance sub-group made progress on key focus areas of their action plan.
Having learned about the findings of the career stage expectations and CPD framework survey sent to head teachers in the summer term, they decided to continue to work on a framework for teaching staff, but returned the work around associate staff to the Local Authority only.
Next, the successes of the Reed supply agency framework were shared. This had delivered savings of more than £44,000 to the 23 schools involved and members learned that Reed would use its boxes at the Royal Albert Hall and at Wembley Stadium as rewards or prizes for looked after children from participating schools.
Lastly, they moved their work forward around wellbeing. The newly-established Wellbeing Lead group, which replaces the MHF Aiders Forum, was explained and members then took steps to design a ‘wellbeing spotlight’ item for the website Skills Directory, where schools can share their good practice. They also agreed to set up a task and finish group to work on a wellbeing toolkit.