East Wickham – admissions consultation
The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT), the admission authority for East Wickham Primary Academy, is consulting on the academy’s proposed 2024-25 admissions arrangements, in accordance with paragraph 1.45 of the Schools Admissions Code.
The Admissions Authority proposes two changes to the oversubscription criteria around siblings and proving medical needs or disability. Children with siblings at the school at time of entry will be placed as a higher priority for admission, and those with a medical need/ disability will need to be supported with written evidence from a suitably qualified practitioner who can demonstrate an essential connection between the applicant’s needs and East Wickham Primary Academy. Full details are available here.
The consultation period runs from Tuesday 11th October to Tuesday 22th November 2022. All written responses will be considered and the Admissions Authority will determine the final admissions arrangements for the academy by 28th February 2023. The new arrangements will be published on the academy’s website by 15th March 2023. Subsequent objections will need to be made to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator by 15th May 2023.
If you are a parent of a child aged two to 18, another person who has an interest in the proposal, another primary or secondary admissions authority in the local area or the local authority, you can respond to the proposal in writing to Mrs Moore and Mrs Whiley, Co-Head Teachers, using either:
admin@ewp-tkat.org or
East Wickham Primary Academy, Wickham Street, Welling, Kent, DA16 3BP