How the sub-groups work

The sub-groups are where the partnership’s guiding principles are translated into action.  The key priorities reflect shared accountability, with representatives exploring all possible opportunities for effective collective action.  Members feed back through local mechanisms promoting transparency.  The sub-groups foster a culture of openness, trust and team work through collaboration focusing on raising standards.

There are 7 school governors, serving on each of the sub-groups and on the Strategic Board.

Education Performance and Achievement

We work to ensure that the majority of primary and secondary learners attain at or above the appropriate national expected standards and make good or better progress from their respective starting points, and we work to reduce the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their non-disadvantaged peers in primary and secondary school.


We work to create an effective local system to support vulnerable children through clear communication, underpinned by a shared understanding and promotion of best practice across multi-agencies and alternative provision.

We work to define our understanding of the needs of vulnerable children in Bexley and develop a strategic approach to emerging trends.

We work to keep vulnerable children and young people in their appropriate educational setting, through early identification, intervention and support.

School Places and Planning

We review and influence the place planning strategy to ensure sufficient high-quality education for 0-25-year-olds in Bexley and develop and implement a three-year provision plan for pupils with a special educational need and/or disability.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

We develop and implement a new process for meeting the needs of all children and young people with a Special Educational Need/Disability locally, developing explicit and transparent criteria for decision-making.

We also ensure all children and young people with SEND have their voice heard on the individual, operational and strategic level of decision making and planning and ensure that every child’s/young person’s voice is heard regardless of their ability level and needs.

Workforce Development, Succession Planning and Governance

We work to develop and implement a Bexley borough-wide recruitment, development and retention strategy for teachers and senior leaders.  We are also working to enhance the induction and development opportunities for new leaders and governors.