Reading Plus Programme
Are you looking to develop your pupils’ reading fluency, stamina, and comprehension?
What is Reading Plus?
Reading Plus is an online, adaptive reading development programme designed to accelerate each child’s reading achievement. It does this by improving fluency, stamina, vocabulary, and comprehension. Aimed at pupils in KS2 and above, Reading Plus has a readability range from Y2 to beyond GCSE. It supports students in developing their skills to read competently and confidently.
How does it work?
Reading Plus begins with an adaptive assessment that students complete on their own and without any intervention from their teacher. The results provide a baseline and the data-driven starting point for a student’s journey through the programme. Weekly assignments are set with personalised instructions for students, including visual skills development for eye-tracking, reading tasks for comprehension and fluency, and vocabulary tasks
Here is a video about Reading Plus:
Here is a case study from Derby about the impact of Reading Plus: Reading Plus Case Study (Derby)
Some of our schools are already using the programme with really positive feedback. To find out more contact and we can put you in contact with our local lead.