Secondary school views sought and QA of resource provision pilot shared
SEND sub-group members asked that secondary schools give them their views on the SEN Support Toolkit at their meeting of 24th February 2022. They learnt that the toolkit had been updated to include new areas reflecting current needs including resilience, metacognition and emotional wellbeing, alongside reading, spelling and maths and a page for Bexley Voice informing parents how to support their children at home.
Next, they were informed that the strengths-based quality assurance of resource provisions would be rolled out to all relevant schools in September 2022. A pilot will run over the summer term with the peer review framework being used to highlight some areas for improvement without judgement or future formal monitoring.
Members then put forward ways to make the process more effective and transparent around the use of part-time timetables for children with SEN (both those at SEN Support and those with EHC plans).