Admissions Consultation – Old Bexley C of E Primary School

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Please find details below of the admissions consultation to reduce the PAN for Old Bexley C of E Primary School

The consultation will run until 12.00pm on 31st January 2024.

PAN Consultation

Admission policy


Admissions Consultation – Old Bexley C of E Primary School

This document is to initiate the consultation process regarding a proposed change to Old Bexley C of E Primary School admissions policy.  As a school committed to providing high-quality education and ensuring the best learning environment for our students, we value your input and involvement in this decision-making process.  This consultation aims to gather feedback and opinions from all stakeholders before any final decisions are made.  We appreciate your time and collaboration in this matter.

This consultation has been requested by the admissions authority (The Academy Trust – Amadeus Primary Academies Trust) of Old Bexley C of E Primary School.  It is taking place to understand the implications of one key change to take effect from the start of the school year 2026/26.

The consultation is being run in line with London Borough of Bexley “Consultation and Determination of Admission Arrangements” and the School Admissions Code 2021–2

Who is involved in the consultation?

 The following people and organisations will be consulted:

  • Parents of children between 2 and 18
  • Other persons in the local or neighbouring areas who have an interest in the proposed admissions
  • All other primary school admission authorities within the area (academies, London Borough of Bexley and other school/academy bodies (shared via the London borough of Bexley strategic education partnership)
  • Adjoining neighbouring Local Authorities
  • The Diocesan Board of Education for Rochester or other representatives of the Diocese of Rochester

Proposed Change Under Consultation

Reduction in the Published Admission Number (PAN) for the Reception intake for Old Bexley C of E Primary School from September 2025.

The proposal is to reduce the PAN for the Reception intake from 120 children (4 form) to 90 children (3 form) from the start of the academic year 2025/26.

Rationale For Change

 In 2014 as part of the Local Authority Primary School Expansion project the PAN for Old Bexley C of E Primary School was increased from 90 to 120.  Since this time year groups have rarely been full and spaces have been available for in-year admissions throughout KS1 and KS2.

Over the last 3 years the decline in applications for Reception intake has fallen significantly resulting in only 3 out of 4 classes available being required and currently within these year groups there are spaces available.

As a result of a decline in the number of school-age children in this area our current PAN no longer reflects the local demand for school places.

Reduction in PAN will assist the school to maintain high standards of quality education and to promote an effective and efficient student-to-teacher ratio and also to ensure that we can operate within and make the most of our budget.

Reducing the PAN will ensure that the Trust will be able to provide stability in its long-term planning, both financially and logistically, which in turn will allow the school to secure high-quality educational outcomes for its students.

How To Respond To The Consultation

We will be very happy to receive your comments on the proposed PAN reduction at Old Bexley c of e Primary School and encourage you to share your feedback and views with us via the following methods:

By email to:

By letter addressed to:

PAN Consultation

Old Bexley C of E Primary School

Hurst Road




Following the consultation period the Trust Board will consider any comments or feedback received.

Comments and feedback must be sent no later than midday on Wednesday 31st January 2024


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