Consultation notification – St Peter Chanel

St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School and its separate on-site pre-school are seeking to merge into one school for two to 11 year olds, giving them one Ofsted number and combined Ofsted inspections.  There will be no change to the admissions procedures or criteria, nor to the operation or size of either setting and therefore there will be no impact on the local community.

The pre-school already shares a governing body with the primary school, has its activities overseen by the head teacher, who is the Nominated Person, and uses school payroll and HR services. Utilities are paid for by the school.

The consultation period runs from Monday 9th May to Monday 13th June 2022.  A final decision will be made at a full governing body meeting on Wednesday 15th June 2022, with the outcome being published on the St Peter Chanel website.

A consultation meeting will be held on Monday 20th June 2022 at 4:30pm.