Creative curriculum through texts shared at St Stephen’s learning visit

The Strategic Education Partnership held its first primary phase learning visit at St Stephen’s Catholic Primary School on 5th December 2019, as part of its offer of school-to-school support through the sharing of good practice.

The visit showed how a creative curriculum can be structured around one key quality text each short term. This text is then used to inform planning in all areas from literacy to art, including science, history and geography.

The visit was led by Sue Oram, Head Teacher, and Deputy Head Teachers Cate Cooke and Jenna Sennington.  Those attending included primary head teachers, literacy leads and class teachers.

The visit consisted of an initial briefing, observations of lessons in different year groups, and a follow-up discussion among the delegates of how this could be applied in their own schools.

St Stephen’s started teaching a creative curriculum eight years ago supported by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education’s Power of Reading project and the Learning Challenge Curriculum work they had undertaken with Focus Education.