Data sharing making progress amid rising elective home education

Significant progress has been made around data sharing between schools and the Local Authority to support pupils at risk of exclusion, members of the Inclusion sub-group learnt at their meeting of 27th November 2020.  Following discussions with neighbouring boroughs, a weekly returns spreadsheet has been designed for schools, which will be shared at Head Teacher Forum on 10th December 2020.
Work is also underway on a managed move process, which would involve a role for the Local Authority and a clear protocol and common paperwork for all schools.  Members agreed that this would be more robust than current ad hoc practice and schools reaction has been broadly positive.
Some 91 new notifications since September of children being electively home-educated have been received by the borough, which although consistent with the national picture, raises concerns around reasons for the decision, such as anxiety.  A recent rise in fixed term exclusions could also be associated with pupils’ difficulties re-assimilating to school disciplines after returning from periods of self-isolation.

Inclusion Minutes

Draft weekly returns (starters and leavers) spreadsheet