Identifying need early and annual reviews provide SEND focus

At the SEND sub-group meeting on 11th June 2021, members learnt about a task and finish group whose work will support the work of the sub-group around identifying special educational needs early, before a child enters reception class.
The work of the task and finish group is around improving the processes whereby health professionals support the parents of a pre-school child who is likely to have a significant SEN or disability and how they inform the Local Authority.  Much of the work is around creating a new digital template for sharing notification information, creating anonymised trend reports electronically of highest developmental needs and using data to support planning for services.
Members will be inviting primary head teachers to discuss their experiences of where children join reception with significant needs, particularly where the school had been previously unaware, which may lead to another task and finish group to work on next steps.
Members then learnt that annual reviews will be a priority for DfE Ofsted inspections and for Local Area SEND inspections going forward and they were given a picture of factors affecting the quality of EHC plans and the annual review process, both nationally and in Bexley.  These included: a lack of capacity in schools and local authorities to complete paperwork on time and attend meetings; a lack of knowledge about the process, roles and responsibilities among school and professional staff; high staff turnover and a need for regular training.  This will continue to be a focus at the next meeting.

SEND Minutes