Local system reviews and data-sharing support pupils at risk

Members of the Inclusion sub-group considered the ongoing review of Bexley’s inclusion model, whether there was a need for a managed transition model and developments around ways to share data in support of children at risk of exclusion from school, at their meeting of 16th November 2021.
A questionnaire would be sent to all schools to understand their experiences of the local systems, Local Authority services and the alternative provision offer in Bexley; the initial results of this would be shared in the next sub-group meeting.  Members were also invited to join a task and finish group reviewing medical needs provision.
The exclusions portal on Capita One is now being developed as an easier and more accurate way for schools to share data to support children at risk.  Testing on the new system should take place in January, with the system gradually going live from February 2022.
Members also learnt that the scope of the Virtual School Service for looked after children was growing to include children with a social worker and would become a new focus area on this sub-group’s action plan.

Inclusion Minutes