Processes for CME PMoE made clear

Members of the Inclusion sub-group found a set of flowcharts illustrating local authority procedures around in-year admissions; pathways for permanent exclusion, fair access panel and processes around PMoE particularly useful at their meeting of 24th September 2019.  They were also shown guidance around risk assessment for CME and PMoE as part of a sharing of updated Bexley draft policies for Children Missing Education, Pupils Missing Out on Education and Elective Home Education.

The group also heard about a desktop analysis of school exclusions that had been carried out over the summer.  It highlighted that the number of fixed term exclusions varied markedly between schools and that the most common reason for a pupil to receive a fixed term exclusion was physical assault. More than two-thirds of permanent exclusions took place in years 9-11 and 60% of children excluded had an identified SEN.  Members discussed the importance of correct coding for exclusions as this facilitates analysis to support preventative work.

Inclusion minutes