Renewed Strategic Board steers sub-group work
After welcoming new members and restating the board’s direction and purpose, Strategic Board members used the meeting of 11th March 2021 to share progress against their sub-group action plans and assess impact and the ways to measure it going forward.
In general, members suggested that sub-groups should focus on long-term, strategic issues, use partnership mechanisms to ensure transparency with the wider education community and to share good practice, work collaboratively and to set defined impact targets and milestones along the way. Specific next steps included: working to keep Bexley schools’ vacancies as low as possible, keeping out of borough placements to a minimum; data-sharing to support children at risk of exclusion; using the Skills Directory to share best practice in areas from inclusive practice and identifying special needs early to governance expertise.
Members also gave a rating of eight or nine out of 10 for how effective the relationship between schools and the Local Authority is in achieving impact in supporting all Bexley children to achieve well.