SEN Support Quality First Teaching toolkit refreshed and embedded

Further work has taken place to embed the SEN Support Quality First Teaching Toolkit within Bexley schools from EYFS to post-16 settings and all Bexley schools have received several copies of the updated document to support their work.  Many schools name the document in their SEN policies.
Nine new sections have been added to the KS1-4 toolkits to add extra support following COVID.  They are: well-being for adults, well-being for pupils, developing metacognition skills, developing resilience, developing reading skills, developing writing skills, developing maths skills, developing spelling and phonic skills, parent and carer strategies to help support your child at home.
Bexley Voice has contributed to the parent/ carer section has been developed alongside Bexley Voice and has been made available as a 3-page PDF document for schools to share with parents as needs arise. To support families further, work is underway to translate this section into the six most frequently used languages in Bexley.
Work is also underway, through the virtual school, to ensure that all Bexley social workers are trained in the use of the toolkit – training in the use of the toolkit is mandatory for all Bexley social workers and those new to Bexley must complete the training within three months of joining the Local Authority.
One SENCo said that the SEND toolkit has enabled their school to have a more robust SEND identification process and had allowed their staff to understand their roles and feel more equipped when teaching children with SEND.