Two of four key deliverables achieved for Workforce Development, Succession Planning and Governance

Two of four key deliverables for the Workforce Development, Succession Planning and Governance sub-group had been completed over the summer and another is well underway, sub-group members learnt at their meeting of 12th September 2019.

Hard copies of the new head teacher induction booklet has been sent to head teachers new to Bexley, and a PDF version is available on this website for all head teachers to use.  The electronic version of the booklet, which gives all the key information about services from the local authority including the names of who to contact and useful website links, will be updated each term.

The second deliverable achieved was the CPD Framework, giving a clear picture of what support and training is available from the LA and its partners, including BTSA, to school staff by role and career stage.  Sub-group members will consider whether there are gaps in the offer which could be addressed for next year at their next meeting on 25th November 2019.

Gaining an area view of governor expertise, a third key deliverable, is well underway.  Sub-group members viewed a draft survey for governers, based on guidance provided by the Department for Education, Ofsted, National Governance Association and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Education Governance and Leadership.  This draft survey will be taken to the Governor Conference on 18th November 2019 for consultation.

WDSP&G minutes