Action plans amended for COVID-19 demands at Strategic Board

Both Councillor John Fuller, Cabinet Member for Education and Stephen Kitchman, Director Children’s Services, used the Strategic Board meeting of 25th June 2020 to thank all Bexley school leaders and Local Authority staff for working together during the COVID-19 pandemic to support pupils in their return to onsite provision, underpinned by effective risk assessment.  Schools were particularly thanked for their work on risk assessments for children with EHC plans, which meant that Bexley is one of the best performing areas for completions.
The main business of the meeting was to consider how sub-group action plans had, or needed to be, changed in light of the pandemic to best meet the needs of children and young people in Bexley.  Areas of vulnerability highlighted included transitions, the language deficit, data sharing to support children at risk as early as possible, PVI and post-16 sufficiency, closing the digital disadvantage gap and supporting catch-up for pupils with SEN.
Members were also asked for feedback on a ‘restore’ data dashboard, which would be added to the website with the link given in the Daily Communication to Schools.

SEPB Minutes

Restore Data Dashboard