Careers education supported in Bexley

The appointment of Jenny Beckford, Enterprise Coordinator of LEAN EAST Network, Local London Strategic Partnership, will support the development of careers education in Bexley secondary schools.  Members of the Education Performance and Achievement sub-group members learnt that this support is free to access for eligible schools (secondary mainstream and alternative provision) in their meeting of 3rd July 2019.

J Beckford’s role is to support school careers co-ordinators in meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks, through helping them to write careers plans and offer training in running school-based careers events.  She will also be establishing links between schools and local employers.

In the meeting, sub-group members noted that, going forward, they will be considering the relationship between disadvantaged children and permanent exclusions as part of a co-ordinated approach to reducing exclusions in Bexley.

They also discussed the local authority’s new model for school improvement, which stems from an ethos of mutual understanding, mutual challenge and mutual support. Some schools will be approached to pilot the model in the autumn term.

EPA minutes