Changes to the School Admissions Code supports vulnerable children

Following public consultation, the draft 2021 School Admissions Code and associated regulations were laid in parliament on 13 May. Subject to parliamentary procedure, following a 40-day sitting period, they will come into force on 1 September 2021.
The main purpose of the changes is to improve support for the in-year admission of vulnerable children. The changes include introducing more detail on the process for managing in-year admissions; changes to improve the effectiveness of Fair Access Protocols; giving children adopted from state care outside of England equal admissions priority as children who were previously looked after in England; and clarification of which address to use for the admission of service or crown servant children. The IAPLAC changes in the Code will mean all admission authorities need to vary the arrangements they have already determined for 2021/22 (because the IAPLAC priority will apply for in-year admissions) and 2022/23.
All academy schools will need to ensure that this is actioned and their admission arrangements are varied accordingly. The Council will make the required changes on behalf of our maintained schools. See the information sheet below for more information on these changes and should you have any questions either contact or

210526 P&P IAPLAC – changes to school admissions code