How to improve outcomes and progress over time – A learning visit at Hillsgrove Primary School

Head of School Improvement and Executive Head Teacher at Amadeus Primary Academies Trust, Peter Rhodes, and his team have moved Hillsgrove Primary School from an Ofsted rating of Inadequate in 2012 to a secure Good in 2019.  They will be sharing the journey they have travelled through a learning visit on Tuesday 24th March 2020 at Hillsgrove Primary School.  The visit is part of the Strategic Education Partnership’s offer of school-to-school support.

Using evidence-based research and a systematic approach, the school has improved the teaching of reading.  Research from the UK and the USA has given the school a deep understanding of early reading and the ways to remove blocks to children’s progress.

The learning visit, which is aimed at head teachers, will run from 8:00am to 12:15pm.  It will include briefings on phonics teaching, the use of AIR (Y3 – Y6 Reading Reconsidered – Doug Lemov) and the use of the PIXL assessment system.  There will be observations of phonics teaching and AIR in Key Stage 2 as well as time for group discussion.

See calendar event.

Book your place by 17th March 2020

For more information, contact Liz Bedwin