More late applications affect vacancy rates
A slowdown in housebuilding in the north of the borough and the impact of both the pandemic and Brexit have resulted in 181 fewer applications for September 2021 reception places as reported on National Offer Day on 26th April 2021. However, members learnt at the School Places and Planning sub-group meeting of 21 April 2021, that it is too early to say whether vacancy rates will be higher by September and whether this is the beginning of a longer-term trend. Late applications are significantly higher than at the same time last year and vacancies for Year 7 have reduced by 100 since National Offer Day and are mainly centred on two schools.
Members also considered the impact of the pandemic on year 12 and 13 participation rates, which appear to be similar to last year, thanks to the flexibility of post-16 providers. They have offered alternative pathways for students who would have taken the apprenticeship/ employment route and have accepted students onto level 3 courses, who may not have met all of the usual requirements. The sub-group will review NEETS in Bexley at the end of 2021, currently running at the London average and below national.
Using October census data, members will continue to monitor capacity utilisation in Bexley special schools, looking out for pinch points in the system and how to address them. With the two new special free schools, Cleeve Meadows and Cornerstone, Bexley’s special school offer is better meeting the needs of children and young people in Bexley, which is also attracting applications from out of borough. If more DfE SEND funding becomes available, Bexley would apply if necessary.