Sub-group splits to deepen and accelerate its work

To focus on issues more relevant to the primary or secondary phase of education, the Education Performance and Achievement sub-group plans to separate into education phases for some of its meetings going forward.  It reached this conclusion after members shared high level attainment and progress data in their first meeting of the 2019/20 academic year.  In KS2, attainment was ahead of national but declining at a faster rate than the national decline; anecdotally, KS4 data was disappointing.  Identified areas of focus for primary education relate to language skills and upskilling staff to teach a wider curriculum; in secondary schools, the focus could be cultural disadvantage and the underachievement of white working class boys.

The sub-group aims to share good practice in Bexley schools through a series of case studies and learning visits.  Further support should be available to head teachers through the Ofsted Insights page, which is now up and running on the website.  This is a mechanism for head teachers to share their experience of inspection under the new framework with other leaders in Bexley.

EPA Minutes