Raising awareness of the Bexley Local Offer
Following on from feedback with parent groups, where parents were unaware of the Bexley Local Offer, the SEND sub-group of the Strategic Education Partnership would like to help raise awareness of the Bexley Local Offer with families and communities so that they know how to utilise the fantastic wealth of information and services available through the website.
The Bexley Local Offer provides information about services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25, with everything from events to training, from advice and support to contact details of many organisations. It is an invaluable resource and the SEND sub-group would very much appreciate if you could share the most relevant poster on you social media, possibly put a printed copy somewhere visible to parents in your school, such as the School Office, and also ensure links are made to it on your school website.
You can find downloadable copies of the posters below and they will also be sent out in the next Education Comms: