Understanding language skills at transition

The Education Performance and Achievement sub-group continued with its work around reading and literacy at its meeting on 16th November 2021.  Its latest project, which has now secured funding from the Education Endowment Fund, looks at language and reading as pupils transition into secondary school. The bulk of the work will be done with subject leads ensuring that secondary schools understand what key stage 2 pupils are expected to have covered by the end of year 6.  Primary teachers will also better prepare their pupils for the secondary learning.
Members also addressed transition into reception class.  There would be training to support Bexley’s Born Ready, School Ready, Bexley Ready document, but next steps would involve encouraging schools to work more closely with PVI settings to improve the information gathered and shared with schools in preparation for joining reception class.
The Closing the Word Gap toolkit is being used in schools and in due course, feedback will be sought.

EPA Minutes